Ephesians 5:18b-21Filled With the Spirit CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO
We are commanded to be filled with the Spirit; it is not an option. Preacher – to refuse to be filled with the Spirit is as wicked as being drunk. Clarification – being filled with the Spirit is not the same as being baptized by the Holy Spirit. I Cor 12:13 all were baptized once but they were filled (Acts 4:31) many times. Being filled with the Spirit results in further elimination of sin, getting right with God, serving God, getting in the Book and on your knees, etc. However, in v.19-21, there are three things you can do to be filled with the Spirit and three things you can’t do if you are not filled with the Spirit. When you are filled with the Spirit, you will:
Sing and listen to the right music, I Sam 16:23
- Speaking, the words mean something
- Psalms, Ps 150
- Hymns, 600 in the hymn book
- Spirituals songs, not soul music or physical beats
- The right kinds of instruments
- Not a repetitive chorus which results in a passive feeling rather than a filling
- Modern music is getting people ready for Dan 3, Rev 13, and Eze 28:13
Be Thankful
- I Th 5:18
- Phil 4:6-7
Submit to each other
- In the fear of God, not in the fear of man
- Serving others
- Matt 20:26-27
- Gal 5:22-23